Topic: Healthcare delivery in telehealth is/is not effective This was the thesis sentence I did in the previous module The topic I chose under Health Science and Nursing underscoring telehealth and its effectiveness… It is imperative that telehealth has become more effective and of great value, delivering rapid consultation to an individual at any location, […]
Directions Sarah is a 69-year old female that presented to the emergency department with shortness of breath. Her past medical history includes heart failure and COPD. Her pulse oximetry on room air is 82%. You notify the provider, and he orders oxygen at 2 L via nasal cannula NC. Sarah’s chest x-ray reveals bilateral pneumonia. […]
23 hours ago, at 9:17 PM Top of Form Polypharmacy is the usage of at least five medications regularly and the older adults usually above 62 years old and younger children are more susceptible. Polypharmacy is brought about by a wide range of risk factors some of which are patient-related factors and others are system […]
Week 9 Shadow Health Comprehensive SOAP Note Template Patient Initials: _______ Age: _______ Gender: _______ SUBJECTIVE DATA: Chief Complaint (CC): History of Present Illness (HPI): Medications: Allergies: Past Medical History (PMH): Past Surgical History (PSH): Sexual/Reproductive History: Personal/Social History: Health Maintenance: Immunization History: Significant Family History: Review of Systems: General: HEENT: Respiratory: Cardiovascular/Peripheral Vascular: Gastrointestinal: […]
Response 1 Why do the goals of treatment change during the process of therapy? Goals of treatment change during the process of therapy because the goals could be either achieved or judged to be not as important than they were at the start of their treatment. This means that the goals that were set at […]
Home>Nursing assignment help – Essay example nursing health Click and read the Case Study below and post answers. Answers must: Be 100 words or more Ace homework tutors – APA FORMAT References are cited (if necessary) Case Study Chapter 4 Evidence-Based Practice and Ethics in Community Health Nursing The student nurse starts the day with […]
Read the Case Study below and post answers. Answers must: Be 100 words or more Ace homework tutors – APA Format References are cited (if necessary) Case Study Setting the Stage for Community Health Nursing At the community health care agency, the assigned nurse reviews with the assigned student the conceptual foundations and core functions […]
PATIENT/CLIENT DATA – CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING WORKSHEET Student Name: Week: Dates of Care: Patient Initials E.R Sex M Age 74 Room 1012 Admitting Date 1/9/2022 Admitting Chief Complaint: What symptoms cause the patient to come to the hospital? Chest PAIN, SOB Attending physician/Treatment team: Juan C Villamizar. MD Consults: Respiratory Therapist Present Diagnosis: (Why patient is […]
Academic Resources and Strategies Lavonda Davison RN Walden University June 11, 2021 Academic Resources and Strategies Academic Resources The academic resources available for the MSN program include journals available in the university library. The university library is an important resource for a student searching for evidence-based information on healthcare issues. Some of the journals include […]
Assignment: Self-Assessment of Nursing Informatics Competencies Assignment Help Experts: We Guarantee 100% original papers 100% confidentiality Assignment: Self-Assessment of Nursing Informatics Competencies For this Assignment: • Complete the “TIGER-based Assessment of Nursing Informatics Competencies (TANIC©) survey” provided in this week’s Resources. Be sure to complete the TANIC survey by Day 3 of this week. • […]