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Posted: October 5th, 2023

Cancer of the Lung

Description of Assignment
Selected Topic: Cancer of the Lung
You will be doing instructor notes for the topic you selected. Your presentation must include the following areas:
1. Discuss the prevalence of the disease, including mortality rates, in the United States. Be sure to look at differences in gender, racial / ethnic, geographical location.
2. Describe the etiology and risk factors of the disease.
3. Explain the pathophysiology of the disease.
• This should be more than one or two sentences. Remember, you are explaining this disease to someone else.
• Be sure to relate it back to concepts we learned in the first 3 units if appropriate – concepts such as inflammation, autoimmune, neoplasms, etc. For example, if you discussing leukemia, you should relate it back to the concept of neoplasms and metastasis.
• Include any significant complications that might occur as a result of this disease.
o Include all the tests – only those that provide a definitive diagnosis.
o If there are no specific tests, explain how the disease is diagnosed.
o List the most common treatments for the disorder. If is treated with medication, give a general overview, but you do not have to list individual medications. For example, if your disorder was about iron deficiency anemia, you would include information about iron supplements. There may be newer treatments for some disorders that are listed in the book. I would expect you to include those in your presentation.
o If the disease cannot be prevented, please indicate that in the presentation. If the frequency or severity of the disease can be reduced, use this section to identify those behaviors.
4. Discuss the clinical manifestations (signs and symptoms) and explain the pathophysiology behind each sign and symptom. For example, one of the signs for leukemia’s is bruising. You need explain why the bruising occurs in this disorder (loss of bone marrow function which means there are less platelets produced. With less platelets, the blood does not clot properly and increased bleeding).
5. Significant laboratory or diagnostic testing
6. Common treatments
7. Discuss what types of measures can be taken to prevent the disease. Prevention of illness would be things that an individual could do to decrease their risk of getting the disease. Be sure to include new vaccinations or prevention ideas that are not mentioned in the book.
I expect you to read the information in the textbook and use that information as a starting base for your presentation. There will be areas that need more depth, clarification or updating. Graphics can be found on the web to enhance the understanding of some concepts, signs or symptoms, testing or treatment. (Be sure to include the web address for any graphics you include in your presentation.) You may decide to develop tables or drawings to help with the students understanding the content.
1. Your presentation is an original work. The paper should not be composed of a large number of quotes from your resources. In other words, read information from several sources and then write the presentation in your own words.
If your presentation consists of large blocks of material directly quoted or paraphrased from a web page, I will deduct points – up to 30% of the grade.
2. It is acceptable to include links to web pages and videos for further explanations of your topic. Graphics and videos can greatly enhance the information you are presenting. However, you cannot link a web site or you tube as the sole explanation of the content.
o For example, if you are explaining the diagnostic testing for iron deficiency anemia, you cannot just list a web site as your explanation of the diagnostic testing.
o Or if you are doing a presentation on emphysema, you cannot just provide a link to a YouTube video as your explanation.
There is no prescribed length for this assignment since there are many different format options of how the content can be presented. Just be sure that you have covered all 7 areas listed.
You can present the information in any format you would like. This is your chance to be creative. You are the teacher for the content and you can decide how you want to present it. You must address all 7 areas listed above -just remember that pages of text only can be very boring!!
Ideas for presenting your information:
• You can do this by writing some text and using links (similar to what I have done in some of the tutorials)
• Do a PowerPoint presentation (similar to one of the ones in Module 4).
• Start with a case study and explain the disease through questions, internet links and research articles.
• Come up with your own unique approach!!
• Think about some of the things I have used in previous modules to enhance learning such as if you are addressing 2 very similar diseases, you might choose to make a table to compare and contrast the disorders.
• You could add a concept map to help clarify your content similar to the one in Module 3 > Acid-Base Imbalances > Concept Map for Interpreting Arterial Blood Gases (on right hand side under “handouts”) or Hyponatremia / Hypernatremia graphics in the electrolyte tutorial to enhance your presentation. Just be sure it includes all the information
• You can create study guides with questions to answer – just be sure to send the answers as well!!!
Research Requirements:
***You must include at least one Internet and one professional journal article for your presentation. I would expect you to use more sources***
• General Information
o References need to be current unless the article or book is considered a “classic” and standard of care. That means you should have references from within the last 5 years.
• Textbook
o If you used your textbook, be sure to cite it in the reference area.
• Internet Sources
o Must have at least one Internet Source for an acceptable score. Additional appropriate internet sources increases the score in this area – please see rubric for details.
o Internet sources may be text, graphics, animations, and video. Choose the sources and links that are most appropriate and enhance your content.
o Be sure to use other sources than ones that may be listed in the tutorials I have done.
o The internet source may be an animation/video that visually supports part of your information. As you can tell, I love sites with graphics / animations, text and sound which help all members of the class learn. But there are many excellent web sites which do not fit all those criteria.
o Remember that any web site you use must be accurate and from a reliable source. Wikipedia as a source is not acceptable.
• Professional Article – Must have at least one professional medical or nursing journal article related to your topic.
o Articles can be retrieved from the online databases through Pipeline. Log into your Pipeline account and look for the “Library Tab” to link to online databases.
o Look under databases such as “ProQuest and EBSCO Host” have full text articles.
o The article must have been published in the last 5 years.
o These articles would be excellent resources for information about the disorders themselves, new treatments or medications you have questions about.
APA Citation of References
Be sure to include the full citation of references and sources you used in your project. Use APA style.
• If you need to help with APA citations, please check the APA link (Links to an external site.).
• If you quote from a web page or article during your presentation, be sure to correctly cite the information within the presentation itself as well as the reference page.
• Copying word for word directly from web sites, articles or textbooks without proper citation is considered plagiarism and will result in a significant deduction of points.

Grading Criteria:

A grading rubric (located on the following page) will be used for this assignment and can be viewed in the You Be the Teacher Assignment drop box. I will use this rubric to determine your grade. Be sure to review this rubric before submitting your project.

I encourage you to print the rubric out so you can refer to it when working on your project.

Submitting the Assignment
You must submit your assignment
• If you complete your project in a word processing program, save your paper / project as a Word or .rtf file. Please name your file “teacher” followed by your last name. For example, if I submitted a file I would name it: teacherlakous.
• If you complete your project in PowerPoint, save your file names as “teacher” followed by your last name.
• I will convert your presentation into a web document and I will link the file to the appropriate unit in the course.
• The next section will explain how to submit your assignment when it is finished. (after you have emailed me your four choices of topics for this assignment)

Project Grading Rubric is below:
You Be The Teacher Rubric rv2
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Discuss the prevalence of the disease, including mortality rates, in the United States 5.0 pts
Comprehensive discussion of prevalence including: Total prevalence/mortality in US, Age, gender and ethnic group comparisons. Trending of the disease and mortality. 4.0 pts
More than acceptable:
Discussion of prevalence including 3 or the 4 of the following: Total prevalence/mortality in U.S. Age, gender/Ethnic group comparisons. Trending of the disease and mortality. 3.0 pts
Discussions of the prevalence including 2 of the 4 of the following: Total prevalence/mortality in U.S. Age, gender, and ethnic group comparisons. Trending of the disease and mortality. 2.0 pts
Marginally Acceptable
Prevalence of disease with no discussion of mortality or mortality presented by no discussion of prevalence. Discussion of prevalence/Mortality using older statistics 0.0 pts
Prevalence or Mortality was not mentioned
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Discuss the prevalence of the disease, including mortality rates, in the United States 5.0 pts
A comprehensive list of the etiology and risk factors and briefly explains the relationship to the disease if possible. 4.0 pts
More than acceptable:
A comprehensive list of the etiology and risk factors with little or no explanation 3.0 pts
Lists common etiology and risk factors 2.0 pts
Marginally Acceptable
A common etiology or risk factor was not included in the list. 0.0 pts
Etiology and risk factors were not discussed.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Explains the pathophysiology of the disorder 5.0 pts
Comprehensive discussion of pathophysiology including relating basic concepts of pathophysiology (inflammation, healing, fluids, etc-(first 3 modules) 4.0 pts
More than acceptable:
More indepth discussion of pathophysiology 3.0 pts
Basic overview of pathophysiology 2.0 pts
Marginally acceptable:
Key element(s) of pathophysiology missing 0.0 pts
Pathophysiology was not discussed.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Discusses the clinical manifestations (signs and symptoms) and relate to the pathophysiology 5.0 pts
Comprehensive discussion of signs and symptoms: Including relating back to the pathophysiology of the disease, showing relationship to basic concepts of pathophysiology (inflammation, healing, pain (first 3 modules) 4.0 pts
More than acceptable:
Discussion of signs and symptoms and the relationship to the pathophysiology 3.0 pts
Lists signs and symptoms with very basic explanation relating pathophysiology or did only selected signs and symptoms were related to pathophysiology. 2.0 pts
Marginally Acceptable
Did not relate the signs and symptoms to the pathophysiology 0.0 pts
Clinical manifestations were not discussed.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Significant laboratory or diagnostic testing 5.0 pts
Comprehensive discussion of the significant laboratory or diagnostic testing 4.0 pts
More than acceptable:
More than acceptable. Lists significant laboratory or diagnostic testing with simple explanation. 3.0 pts
Lists significant laboratory or diagnostic testing with no explanation 2.0 pts
Marginally Acceptable
Significant laboratory or diagnostic test not listed. 0.0 pts
Laboratory or diagnostic testing was not discussed.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Common Treatments 5.0 pts
Comprehensive discussion of the common treatments for the disease 4.0 pts
More than acceptable:
Lists common treatments with basic explanation 3.0 pts
Lists common treatments with no explanation 2.0 pts
Marginally Acceptable
A common significant treatment was not listed 0.0 pts
Common treatments were not discussed
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Preventive Measures 5.0 pts
Comprehensive discussion of the preventive measures for the disease. If disease can not be prevented, discusses how frequency or severity of the disease can be reduced. 4.0 pts
More than acceptable:
Lists preventive measures with basic explanation. 3.0 pts
Lists common preventive measures. Or makes statement that the disease can not be prevented with no further discussion 2.0 pts
Marginally Acceptable
A common significant measure was not listed in the discussion 0.0 pts
Preventive measures were not discussed
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Evidences knowledge of standard English Wording, phrasing, spelling and punctuation and grammar 5.0 pts
Less than 2 errors. 4.0 pts
More than acceptable:
Less than 4 errors. 3.0 pts
Less than 6 errors 2.0 pts
Marginally Acceptable
Less than 8 errors. 0.0 pts
More than 8 errors
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Used at least one source from an online database 4.0 pts
Used professional journal article fromonline database such as EBSCO, Medline, ProQuest. Journal article published within last 5 years 3.0 pts
More than acceptable:
Used professional journal article from online database such as EBSCO, Medline, or ProQuest. 2.0 pts
Used an online article from a health care related site (Medscape, national organization for a disease) 0.0 pts
Journal from online database was not included in the reference listed
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Used at least one Web resource. 1.0 pts
Used multiple web sites appropriate for content and demonstrated authorative and current qualities 0.5 pts
Used only one web site from general source such as Mayo Clinic 0.0 pts
No web site was included
1.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome References cited in correct APA format 5.0 pts
Less than 2 errors. If the same error is made in each individual citation (like capitalization of the journal article), the error will only be counted once. 4.0 pts
More than acceptable:
Less than 4 errors 3.0 pts
Less than 6 errors 2.0 pts
Marginally Acceptable:
Cited a reference in the presentation but does not list it on the reference page 0.0 pts
APA format not used
5.0 pts
Total Points: 50.0

Prevalence of Lung Cancer in the United States
Lung cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society (2022), lung cancer accounts for about 13% of all new cancers diagnosed in the country. In 2022, an estimated 236,740 new cases of lung cancer will be diagnosed in the US (American Cancer Society, 2022). Lung cancer is also a leading cause of cancer death, with over 130,000 deaths expected in 2022 (American Cancer Society, 2022).
The mortality rates of lung cancer vary significantly based on gender and ethnicity. Lung cancer mortality rates are higher in males compared to females (American Cancer Society, 2022). African Americans have higher incidence and mortality rates compared to other ethnic groups (American Cancer Society, 2022; Siegel et al., 2020). Geographically, the highest lung cancer incidence and mortality rates are observed in the Northeast and Central regions of the US (American Cancer Society, 2022; Siegel et al., 2020). While lung cancer rates have declined in recent years due to reduced smoking prevalence, it remains a major public health challenge (American Cancer Society, 2022; Siegel et al., 2020).
Etiology and Risk Factors
The primary risk factor for lung cancer is tobacco smoking. Around 80-90% of lung cancer cases are attributed to smoking (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022). Other risk factors include exposure to secondhand smoke, radon gas, air pollution, and family history of lung cancer (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022; Siegel et al., 2020). Individuals with chronic lung diseases like COPD are also at higher risk (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022).
Lung cancer develops due to genetic mutations in the lung cells that disrupt the mechanisms controlling cell growth and division (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022). Tobacco smoke contains over 70 cancer-causing chemicals or carcinogens that can damage the DNA of lung cells and trigger these mutations (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022). The mutated cells multiply uncontrollably to form tumors in the lungs. If not caught early, these cancerous cells can metastasize or spread to other organs via the lymphatic system or bloodstream (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022). The growing tumors and spread of cancer can impair lung function and damage other organs.
Clinical Manifestations and Pathophysiology
Common signs and symptoms of lung cancer include coughing (especially one that produces blood), shortness of breath, chest pain, weight loss, fatigue, and loss of appetite (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022). The pathophysiology behind these manifestations is that the growing tumors compress and invade the airways and lung tissues, making it difficult for the lungs to function properly. Coughing up blood occurs when the tumors erode into blood vessels. Weight loss and fatigue result from the metabolic effects of the cancer and impaired lung and organ function (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022).
Diagnostic Testing
Key tests to diagnose lung cancer include chest x-ray, CT scan, biopsy and molecular testing of tumor samples (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022). A chest x-ray or CT scan can detect abnormal masses or nodules in the lungs. Tissue biopsy of these masses through bronchoscopy, needle biopsy or surgery is needed for definitive diagnosis and to classify the cancer type (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022). Molecular testing identifies genetic mutations that determine targeted therapy options. Positron emission tomography (PET) scan helps assess cancer spread (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022).
Common Treatments
Standard treatments for lung cancer depend on the cancer type and stage. They include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022). Surgery to remove part of the lung (lobectomy) or the entire lung (pneumonectomy) is the main treatment for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022). Chemotherapy uses anti-cancer drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body and is often used with other treatments. Radiation therapy uses high-energy beams to destroy cancer cells. Targeted therapies block the growth and spread of cancer by interfering with specific molecules involved in tumor growth (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022). Immunotherapy stimulates the immune system to fight the cancer (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022).
Preventive Measures
The most effective way to prevent lung cancer is to avoid tobacco smoking and secondhand smoke (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022). Getting regular radon gas tests of homes and fixing high radon levels can also reduce lung cancer risk (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022). Maintaining a healthy diet, exercise and weight may offer some protection. Lung cancer screening using low-dose CT scans can detect early-stage NSCLC in high-risk individuals and reduce mortality (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022). Vaccination against HPV infection may prevent some lung cancers (American Cancer Society, 2022; National Cancer Institute, 2022).
In conclusion, lung cancer poses a major health burden in the United States. While smoking remains the primary risk factor, efforts towards prevention, screening and improved treatments can help reduce lung cancer incidence and mortality in the coming years. Please let me know if you need any part of the instructor notes expanded or have additional feedback. I have included references in APA format at the end.
American Cancer Society. (2022). Key statistics for lung cancer research paper writing service.
National Cancer Institute. (2022). Lung cancer prevention.
Siegel, R. L., Miller, K. D., Fuchs, H. E., & Jemal, A. (2020). Cancer statistics, 2020. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 70(1), 7–30.

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